Thursday, February 25, 2010

5 Reasons Why You Should Register (Free) in

So, you’ve heard about, the newest local location-based social network, and you still have doubts as to whether you should add this to the already-growing list of social networks you maintain.

It doesn’t take too much work, really --- just sign up, log in and check-in (log) the place where you are now. The location-based service keeps track of how many times you check-in to a specific spot, and allows your friends to see where you last checked-in, or where you frequently hang out.

Here are 5 top reasons to check out the newest location-based social network:
1. You’re competitive, aren’t you? It’s a game!
It’s the secret game of finding out if you really truly are as well-traveled as you say you are. It’d be a blast discovering more places than your friends --- maybe even compare places later. Location-based services means the more places you visit, the more you discover and contribute to the community. Wouldn’t it rock to be the location-based pioneer?
2. Put that tech to good use.
So you’ve got a new phone/pda/netbook that can check on the internet ANYWHERE. Put that tech to good use! What use is a GPS if you aren’t even using it for location-based services? Add pictures from your 500mpx camera, or write an extensive blog entry on-location on your touchpad smartphone!
3. Help your favorite establishments.
The more you log in to a spot, the more your friends will notice. Why not help your favorite restaurant/café/hangout via location-based check-ins? If you love the service in an establishment, consider it as a “thank you,” on your part by letting find your discoveries. It may be election year, but frequenting a coffee shop more often than the next guy could probably start up your political dynasty. It also works in reverse, say, I was visiting a different area tomorrow, I could check in what are the hottest spots there via other people’s check-ins.
4. It’s good to be king.
Leading from number 3, the more establishments embrace the idea of location-based services, the higher the likelihood that they’ll name their most frequent visitor “mayor” of that establishment. Being “mayor” has it’s perks, like free appetizers or beverages. Remember to check-in constantly, lest you be usurped by someone else!
5. From location-based social network’s site itself: take social networking to the real world.
Visiting your friend’s profiles, checking up on their pictures and leaving comments --- in front of your computer --- does that feel social to you? Location-based social networks allow you to check if there are others like you within proximity, maybe you’ll meet someone interesting, or it’d make finding your friends a bit easier. Socialize! Discover new places with new friends, via location-based suggestions.

The service is pretty new, but it shows that some people are already embracing logging in their real world locations via a location-based service. Where will you be when you read this? Will you be in a more interesting place than where I’m writing this? Check out and check-in, now!

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